My question is if this dictionary does not work, should I simply try to Phish it out of her or perhaps try to use a different dictionary? I have already wasted like 3 days using dictionaries and once this one finishes, assuming the password is not found, I will have spent a total of 6 days.Īny advice would be appreciated! The wordlist works only for default password. I told her not to give me any information about the router and that I would attempt to hack the wifi. Hello, I am currently using you dictionary to crack my sister's wifi with her consent. Had the password not been changed to a custom password, your dictionary may have had a good chance of cracking it. It was a common password found in the rockyou dictionary using only a straight dictionary attack. My attack was unsuccessful using your dictionary. Secondly - I'd like to report a success with it. Password wordlist for Aircrack-ng, Hashcat & Wireshark - 2020 -📚👔🎓 First - thanks for putting this together. A quick way to test this dict against something you know would be 3 ending numbers omitted : Code.
When used with combinator, the resulting file is MB. I'm confident it should have a very high success rate, as the others I have tried weren't satisfying to me. These kinds of keys is what this dictionary is for, I created it myself.